All You Need To Know About Coenzyme Q10

A substance similar to a vitamin, Coenzyme Q10 is synthesized by your body. It is used by your body cells to generate the energy that your body requires for cell development and maintenance. Also acts as a natural antioxidant, Coenzyme Q10 also saves your body from the damage caused by harmful molecules.

Coenzymes generally help your body digest fast, perform other body processes properly and protect the skeletal and heart muscles. Coenzyme Q10 also does the same. It is naturally present in a variety of foods in small amounts but it is present in high proportion in organ meats such as liver, kidney and heart as well as soy oil, beef, sardines, peanuts and mackerel. Other than this, Coenzyme Q10 can also be taken from CoQ10 supplements.

Many of you might not know that there are two different forms of this Coenzyme Q10- Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol. Also popular as conventional CoQ10, Ubiquinone was the only type of CoQ10 sold in the stores till 2007 in the USA. After that, the more advanced form of this nutrient called Ubiquinol became commercially available.

Benefits of Coenzyme Q10

Many studies have shown that Coenzyme Q10 helps prevent some critical health arrests such as cancer and heart failure as well as periodontal disease and muscular dystrophy. It is also said that this antioxidant is consumed to lower the effects of certain medicines on muscles, heart and other body organs. Not only it does this, but also boosts the energy and quickly recovers the damage due to heavy exercise. Here are many more reasons why you shouldn't have a deficiency of Coenzyme Q10:

  • Helps treat heart disease and supports optimal heart health
  • Improves the function of your immune system
  • Treats high blood pressure
  • Lowers the level of high cholesterol in the blood
  • Stabilizes the blood sugar level in your blood and prevents the diabetes
  • Produces natural cellular energy
  • Provides an energy boost for those dealing with fatigue
  • Improves physical performance in patients with muscular dystrophy
  • Helps treat gum diseases
  • Slows down the dementia progression
  • Assists in treating the cancer
  • Protects the body organs from toxic chemotherapy drugs
  • Prevents body damage due to oxidative stress
  • Improves the vision in patients with ARMD (Age Related Muscular Degeneration)
  • Enhances sperm counts and their mobility
  • Assists in the treatment of migraine headaches

To maintain the proportion of this essential coenzyme in your body, you should consume the diet which contains various items rich in Coenzyme Q10. If there is a deficiency in your body, then you can also take it as CoQ10 supplements after a physician consultation. We, at VitaminOcean have this supplement Qunol CoQ10 and the best part is that we are offering it to you Buy One Get One Free.

So if your physician has informed you about the deficiency of this essential nutrient and if you are advised to consume the supplement for the same, then buy this Qunol CoQ10 supplements which is one of the best CoQ10 supplements available online in the USA.

Read BlogQunol Mega Coq10 benefits

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