11 Ways Hemp Seed Oil Can Be Used To Improve Your Health

hemp seed oil benefits

People have trusted Natures Science Hemp seed oil for many years for all the health benefits it brings to individuals. It contains high amount of amino acid and fatty acid which are essential for human body. It also possesses the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of Cannabis plants. It was considered as a potential threat to many competing industries. However, it has now become more common to be used effectively for various needs.

Let’s look at some of the key benefits of using hemp seed oil.

1.    Lowers risk of heart diseases

A healthy heart always demands the right fat intake. Hemp seed oil is scores a perfect 10 when it comes improving the functioning of the heart. One study shows hemp seed oil is very effective in preventing blood clotting. Another study states this oil lowers the chances of heart stroke. It also contains sterol, an organic compound which decreases the cholesterol level in the body.

2.    Reduces inflammation

Hemp seed oil is also found to substantially decrease inflammation. This is because of the fact that, this oil contains various plant sterols. In a study conducted by University of Mississippi Medical Centre published in Free Radical Biology & Medicine Journal, cannabidiol was found to be effective in reducing inflammation of oxidative stress.

3.    Balances hormones

There is a hormone-like compound called Prostaglandins. It regularizes bodily functions. in addition to this, it controls the body temperature and enhances smooth muscle contraction.  Hemp seed oil contains GLA (gamma linolenic acid), which is considered to be a crucial building block for some prostaglandins, which is important to maintain the hormonal balance. Supplementing GLA in the form of Hemp seed oil can restore and maintain healthy hormonal health. Women suffering from PMS and menopause can benefit by using this oil. It helps reduce breast pain, depression, and retention of the fluid related with PMS as well as reduces the symptoms of menopause.

4.  Reduces the pain of Arthritis

Consuming hemp seed oil also helps to reduce the arthritis pain. There was a study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism journal showed that the consumption of GLA compound reduces the symptoms of arthritis at a considerable level. The omega fats and nutrients along with GLA is the reason for this oil to be super effective.

5. May prevent certain forms of cancer

Hemp seed oil contains the ideal lipid profile in the form of Omega-3 + GLA. This helps to naturally fight inflammation and build a stronger immune system. A study conducted in 2007 suggests hemp seed oil can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases, as well as cancer.

“Breast Cancer Research and Treatment” journal and “The British Journals of Cancer” reported that consuming hemp seed oil along with the psychoactive compound certainly helps in the breast cancer at an advanced stage.

6. Heals the skin

It has been found that hemp seed oil is effective in healing skin disorders like psoriasis, and eczema among others. The rich fatty acids from Hemp seed oil boost immune system which triggers the healing process. Moreover, in severe cases, it is recommended to use this oil both externally and internally. It is believed that consuming the oil helps improve blood levels of essential fatty acids which can help speed healing from inside.

7. Healthy complexion

A healthy skin requires both internal and external care. Natures Science hemp seed oil improves the complexion, as it gets absorbed easily by the skin. It also detoxifies the skin and improves skin tone.

8. Leaves hair gorgeous

Hemp seed oil can help retain moisture content of hair and scalp. Hemp seed oil for hair is already used as an ingredient in various homemade shampoo and conditioner recipes. It improves scalp blood circulation and prevents skin infection. This helps grow hair stronger, healthier, thicker and dandruff-free.

9. Improves Nervous system function

The nerves which communicate with the brains are protected by an insulation provided by fat known as myelin. This fat enables the proper transfer of signals from one nerve cell to another. It is the conductor of electrical signals between different parts of the body. Consuming hemp seed oil provides sufficient fatty acids and prevents nervous degeneration.

10. Improves the mood

One among other benefits of fatty acids found in hemp seed oil is helping in mood-swings. Several studies have proved the fact that omega 3 acid consumption improves bipolar disorder. In the addition to this, improvement in ADD/ADHD renders the use of hemp seed oil on a regular basis.

11. Helps in weight loss

Using hemp seed oil in your food can help you to lose some extra pounds. This is because of the rich content of nutrients with good fatty acid in it. Also, GLA content in this oil supports the weight loss. GLA can reduce appetite and hence one feel fuller for a longer time.

Vegans and vegetarians already know hemp seed oils is a great source of plant based protein. It is considered to be a complete protein source, having all the essential amino acids. If you are looking to try this incredible natural ingredient and experience all of its many uses you can buy Natures Science hemp seed oil online on VitaminOcean.

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