All You Need To Know About Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is not about smelling lavender, vanilla or eucalyptus. It is a fascinating medicinal therapy that involves the use of aromatherapy essential oils, extracted from flowers, herbs, etc. Depending upon the treatment of specific health issues, these aromatherapy essential oils are aromatically inhaled by the patients. This therapy is often used by the experts to change cognitive states of the patients and improve their mood.


Aromatherapy has come into picture from before a thousand years. Since then, the oils are extracted from flowers, leaves, plants, trees, etc. and are used for a treatment. The most known countries that have been using aromatherapy are the United States, France, England and India. Apart from this, its considerable benefits have also made some other countries to start using this therapy. Aromatherapy is proven as the best solution for natural and complementary health treatments in many cases. It is associated with a number of health benefits including:


  • Fights anxiety and depression
  • Relaxation and stress release
  • Improves digestion
  • Cures sleep apnea
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves respiratory system
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Boosts energy level

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