7 Ways to Love Your Gut on World Digestive Health Day

What is on 29th May? It is world’s digestive health day.

The Digestive Health is very important for your gut health. It helps with gut decision and it is said that gut reaction is never wrong. Health experts have discovered that the billions of microbes that play and work with guts. Also, in some cases, launch hostile takeovers of our guts can play a role in everything from obesity to other gastro problems to psychological as well as neurological disorders.

The gut is said to be second brain. So, why to abuse it with processed foods, burritos the size of footballs, with added sugars and sodium and other artificial minerals. The bad condition of gut health also leads to impairment of mind and body, which eventually leads to faltered actions, imbalances and confusions. It affects immune system adversely, which messes up our hormonal function because our gastrointestinal tract is loaded with neurons that release the same neurotransmitters found in the brain.

One of the best solutions is Bentonite clay. It assists in correcting all the bad food choices that contain viruses, parasites, caffeine, alcohol, antibiotics and bad bacteria that can damage the gastrointestinal tract and leads to increased permeability or "leaky gut."

Well, here is a list of things to get started on healthy gut feeling - natural supplements, probiotic supplements, etc necessary for your gut health:

  • Invest in cookbooks: You could always buy books for your gut health which promotes health and taste at the same time. For example, The "Heal Your Gut Cookbook” from Hilary Boynton and Mary Brackett is just one among many. The book has more than 200 recipes that focus on what the authors call GAPS, or Gut and Psychology Syndrome.


  • Stay hydrated: Water is a potion that will keep your gut health, healthy and free of toxins. It is not necessary that only water helps you keep hydrated, it could any fruit of juice containing good amount of water that will keep you hydrated. Water or hydrating food items helps you curb unnecessary hunger, which will lead to natural detoxification of human body.


  • Digestive enzymes: The digestive enzymes help speed digestion, alleviate constipation and bloating, and reduce that feeling of food sitting undigested. The digestive enzymes are useful in healing stomach cancer.


  • Fermented food: The probiotic bacteria that are present in fermented foods support the colonies of probiotic bacteria found in the human intestine. Fermented foods are not the same as probiotic supplements. E.g. sauerkraut or kimchi or yogurt.


  • Prebiotics: Prebiotic feed the gut flora and makes it grow healthier and stronger. Prebiotic supplements are a mixed bag because some people do really well on them, while others cannot tolerate them. If you aren't aware of your situation, you should start with the minimal intake. Prebiotics actually make digestive symptoms worse, especially for people who have sensitive digestion system.


  • Probiotics: Taking a probiotic supplement will help improve gut flora composition, same as Prebiotics. A good probiotic could work as a therapy but only if it is of high quality. Same as Prebiotic, it could affect your gut health adversely. So, start with minimal to make sure bacteria did not overgrow.


  • Remove gut upset-ters: The gut upsetters are caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, bad fats, gluten and dairy. Do not make mistake of cutting them off on immediate basis, take it slow and eliminate them over a period of time and see how your body reacts. Try fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi; whole oranges; butter; garlic; lentils; and dark chocolate. Getting a good balance of Probiotics and Prebiotics will make your gut happy and your body will start responding positively to them with the time.

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World Digestive Health Day may be just one day, but the benefits of achieving and maintaining a healthy gut through good nutrition and lifestyle changes will stay with you for a long time. Explore a range of gut-friendly all natural health supplements here.