What Are The All Natural Ways To Help Heal Broken Bones Faster

Bone fractures are caused either by injury, fall, accident, sports or lack of calcium. It could be also caused by Osteoporosis which means small holes are formed in bones which leads to their weakening. If you have a bone fracture, you must get immediate medical attention and keep the fracture immobilized until you can get help. If you ever had bone fracture in past then you must take care about the future injuries.

Here are the few tips to heal your broken bones. Don’t miss out to note best joint supplement for knees and Bones and Joints Supplements

Top foods for the bones:

  1. High calcium: the bones weaken due to calcium deficiency; hence one with weak bones or bone fracture should eat food with high calcium like banana, salmon fish, green leafy veggies, etc. You could also eat unsweetened dairy products like yogurt, kefir and amasai.
  2. Vitamin K: The intake of Vitamin K will stop your blood from clotting and help in immediate bone formation. Kale, broccoli, spinach, and other greens are high in vitamin K1, and raw dairy products like cheese and kefir are high in vitamin K2.
  3. Clean lean protein: A body need to have necessary dosage of clean lean protein because absence of protein will not allow bones to rebuild the lost tissues. A person eating 4-5 Oz per meal of organic, lean protein such as wild-caught fish or grass-fed beef will have his bones healed quickly as compared to ones who aren’t including proteins in their meals.
  4. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is crucial for manufacturing collagen an essential component of skin and tissues. The regular intake of Vitamin C will increase the citrus acid in the blood like orange, lemon, bell peppers, strawberries, and tomatoes.
  5. Zinc: The chemical reactions necessary to rebuild the bone requires zinc. To increase the zinc in your blood, add beef, pumpkin seeds, and spinach to your diet. Zinc is needed for immune function, wound healing, blood clotting, thyroid function, and much more.

    In fact, most of these super foods are available in the market as Supplements to help heal broken bones. You can get any of them or their combinations from either superstores or just buy them online at discounts.   

A big NO to these foods:

  1. Alcohol: Alcohol promotes bone loss as it is said that substance present in alcohol weakens it and can lead to Osteoporosis. It increases inflammation and prevents bone from healing.
  2. Salt: Salt contains sodium which removes calcium from the blood. Try to limit your salt intake to less than 1500 mg (less than ½ tsp) per day.
  3. Sugar: The studies have shown that consuming excessive quantities of sugar causes a large urinary calcium excretion increase, both in healthy study subjects and in those who were prone to kidney stones, because sugar is a highly acidifying food.
  4. Sweet beverages: Drinking seven or more colas per week is associated with a reduction in bone mineral density and an increase in risk of fracture. Despite not being able to say why exactly, a study that looked at 73,000 postmenopausal women who drank soda found they had a heightened risk for hip fracture.
  5. Caffeine: Caffeine leaches calcium from bones, sapping the strength of the bones. In fact, roughly 6 milligrams of calcium are lost for every 100 milligrams of caffeine you ingest.

Read Blog: Healthy Living Health Supplements and vitamins Online

Top 5 Bones and Joints Supplements you may need:

  1. Calcium (500-600 mg 2x daily of calcium citrate): Calcium is the primary mineral found in bones. Avoid taking with high iron foods.
  2. Magnesium (250-350 mg daily): Magnesium is required for bone formation.
  3. Vitamin D3 (2000-5000 IU daily): Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption.
  4. Omega-3 fats (1,000mg daily): Essential fats are necessary for wound healing and for reducing inflammation caused by an acute injury.
  5. Green superfood powder (follow package instructions): Look for a powder that contains nutrient-rich sea vegetables and essential minerals for bone rebuilding.