6 Ways To Boost Your Gut Health Using Natural health Products

Living healthy takes a lot more sincere effort. From eating healthy to exercising regularly or trying to avoid sugar, carbs or the exposure to toxins. At times even after your best efforts, you don’t fell 100% on energy or have that lack-luster feeling. You might be showing some obvious signs of vitamin or mineral deficiencies, like overly tight muscles or achy joints.

It may come as a surprise to a few, but it all starts with a gut health diet.

Gut bacteria are essential to provide nutrition for your food. When it comes to nutrient absorption, it's not so much about what you eat but instead how well your body is able to absorb all the essential nutrients from food or supplements. This means that even if you work hard on eating healthy balanced food, you could be suffering from malnourishment.

How about we go thru some of the most effective steps you can take to boost and reset your gut to optimize nutrient absorption.

1. Boost Probiotics.

Some trillions of bacteria work hard to support bodily processes, including digestion. These helping bacteria— called probiotics — break down food into smaller components that cells of the body can absorb; they produce enzymes to promote digestion and absorption. Gut microbes are so essential to health as they provide nearly a third of your body's vitamins.

Enriching probiotics bacteria would mean enriching body's ability to absorb nutrients efficiently and building a healthier gut immune system.

Natural health products like a high-quality probiotic formula that delivers a variety of live organisms deep into your gut should be your first priority for optimizing nutrient absorption.

2. Support The Gut Barrier.

The gut barrier is made up of the intestinal wall and mighty microbes. It acts as the divider between the bloodstream and external environment. The gut barrier is "selectively permeable," meaning that it allows nutrients inside while keeping toxins, antigens and bad bacteria out.

When gut barrier doesn't function properly, the body can't absorb nutrients adequately, which can eventually spur allergies and other immune reactions.

Gut health diet can help body maximize nutrient absorption. Probiotics can help gut immune system and maintain body weight. 

3. Make Wise Food Choices.

Modern diet at times does more harm than benefit our body. Processed foods, sugar and artificial ingredients damage gut health by weakening or even destroying the good bacteria which are essential to keep us healthy. Plus, it is now known that foods we eat are so important that they can even alter the gut bacteria. Gut health diet contains rich fiber food, this will assist in digestion and waste to pass from colon easily and start a gut health diet requires healthy eating, dedication, and consistency.

*Image Credit: Pinterest

4. Intermittent Fasting.

Researchers show fasting help increase the diversity of gut bacteria. Intermittent fasting helps gut microbes and digestive system. It also gives time for our friendly bacteria to boost their population. Fasting also allows repairing a leaky gut barrier.

5. Avoid Unhealthy Habits That Harm Good Bacteria

Pesticides in food, frequently-used medicines, there are so many aspects of our modern lifestyles which damage the good bacteria we need for digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall well-being.

Antibiotics do not discriminate and wipe out both good and bad bacteria. This leaves gut environment not well-equipped to function efficiently. Medications, like birth control, antacids, and NSAIDs may also be damaging.

6. Stress is the Enemy

Digestion can slow down or stop altogether in stressful situations. Regular stress harms our entire health including the gut. This directly affects digestion and how we absorb nutrients.

To encourage the body to spend more time "resting and digesting," try to engage in anything that makes you feel relaxed and happy. It can be yoga, meditation, exercising or laughing.

Also Read: 7 Ways to Love Your Gut for Digestive Health

Try Intermittent fasting with Almased to boost your gut health. 

Commitment to a gut-healthy lifestyle along with wholesome food, nutrient-rich diet, and natural health products will keep your gut healthy.